About Us

The Taunton Development Corporation is a non-profit private corporation responsible for the continuing development, marketing, management and maintenance of the Myles Standish Industrial Park and the Liberty and Union Industrial Park.

Board of Directors

President: Louis M. Ricciardi

Vice President/Treasurer: Victor P. Santos

Clerk: John White

Chris Blake
Tim Chaves
Frederic J. Cornaglia
Daniel DaRosa
Mike Ferreira
Kim Holmes
Michael Horrigan
John W. Leddy
Terry Quinn
Rich Volkmann

Board Members by Virtue of their Positions

Mayor City of Taunton: Shaunna O’Connell

Taunton Municipal Council President: Kelly Dooner

Emeritus Board Members

Robert W. Boyden
E. Dennis Kelly
Charles Terry
Sinclair Weeks
Edward A. Roster
Leonard Sullivan


Richard L. Shafer, Project Manager
Judith N. Cleathero, Office Manager


Mark Allen
A.J. Andrews
Ted Audet
Joesph Baptista
Sergio Bento
Maureen Cody

Terrence Dermody
David Gay
Jeffrey Hunt
David Hutchinson
Harold Rose
Maria Gooch-Smith

Steve Smith
John Sullivan
Mike Tabak
Joe Tutsch
Chris Veglas
Jeff Walker


Taunton Industrial Development Commission:

  • Liaison services to the City, State and Federal Agencies
  • Retention and expansion of local industry through assisting them to improve competitiveness and efficient operation by introduction to – new means of financing, technological improvements, source of qualified employees, and applicable training resources.
  • The recruitment of new companies through the marketing and promotion of Taunton as a City which is business receptive with available property and services for industrial growth.
  • And, continual review of City property and services to provide for present and future industrial expansion.
  • Maintenance and upgrade of the City Economic Development and Taunton Development Corporation web sites.

Taunton Industrial Development Financing Authority:

  • A City agency providing industry with referral to financial sources such as MassDevelopment; SEED, as well as local and regional banks.

Office of Economic and Community Development:

  • Responsible to the Mayor and the Office of Economic and Community Development Executive Director for the City of Taunton Economic Development Program coordination and implementation, including, but not limited to retention and expansion of existing businesses; recruitment of new businesses; research and maintain an inventory of available land and existing pace; develop or participate in marketing programs; establish business outreach programs directly or in conjunction with existing organizations such as the Taunton Industrials Development Commission, the Taunton Development Corporation, the Taunton Area Chamber of Commerce, Heart of Taunton, Neighborhood Corporation, etc.; and liaison to other local, regional, state, and federal economic development agencies.

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